Friday, August 12, 2005

why my dad won't blog

saturday, 13 august, 2005 11:05 MAT

Hi, Melster:

I take it that these blogs and picture sites are open to all who wants to snoop. Sharing with family and friends are fine, but if these are open to internet searches, this is where I have concerns with the technology. I'm constantly amazed at what people write when I review LJ entries you and your friends make. Way too much info that can be used by someone else for their gain. If someone can set up an identity theft scenario and be able to link into the history of that person via blogs or whatever, they can fully pass themselves off as you because they know so much about you.

Even a simple posting about the fact that you'll be on a trip because you want your friends to know where you'll be the next few days gives a potential burgler info that you'll be out of town and your house is ripe for breaking into.

I'm just cautious about putting info out into the public domain. Even some of my papers I wrote back at DOE are available when I google me. Those I have no control over. Now Yahoo suppositly has surpassed google in the number of documents it has scanned and have access to. What's next?


ok... but i will still.

,` )


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