Sunday, September 11, 2005

auntie tammie coming for a visit

monday, 12 september, 2005 10:20 MAT

auntie tammie arrives in rockhampton for a visit on saturday, 17 september, 2005. we have thomas and hayley's wedding that evening, so we're gunna have to leave her around here. i'm not sure how to help entertain her whilst we're gone. she could take my car for a drive. the neighbourhood is safe during daylight hours to adventure and have a bit of a walk around. it's near to a set of shops and a pub. or she can have a good look over everything in our flat and have a glowing report when she gets back as to the condition in which i live and verify that it's not a figment of my imagination to ngan ngan and yer yer. : P

so that leaves all of sunday to visit! *cheer* i think we shall take her to the zoo. there's a nice zoo where you can hold a koala and snake (remember the photos from before) and see all sorts of other animals. we can also make a day of it at the beach (provided there's no rain), since we have to drive by there to get to the zoo anyways and have fish & chips there. yum! granted, the beach here isn't near as pretty as the ones near her office in brisbane on the sunshine coast. then - i dunno for the evening, we'll figure something out.

ha! she emails me: I'm looking forward to doing my Auntie duties and spying on you for the sake of the family! spying, smying!!

,` )


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